Safety Lockout Tagout
Safety at work is an essential concern for all professionals. Every year, thousands of work accidents occur while repairing or servicing industrial equipment. Most of those accidents are due to energy sources that have not been isolated.

What is Lockout / Tagout ?
Lockout or LOTOTO ("Lock-Out", "Tag-Out", "Try-Out") consists in isolating the energy sources of the different machines of a plant. This ensures the safety of the operators during the maintenance operations.
Lockout involves not only the installation of a lockout padlock, device, and tagout, but also ensuring that the equipment cannot be operated until the lockout device is completely removed.
The journey to a safe and compliant lockout program
Safety at work is an essential concern for all professionals. Every year, thousands of work accidents occur while repairing or servicing industrial equipment. Most of those accidents are due to energy sources that have not been isolated.

Electrical Lockout
Discover all electrical lockout devices for interrupting the power supply at source, thus protecting workers from accidental reactivation of the electric current.

Mechanical Lockout
Discover all mechanical lockout devices to prevent accidental uses while maintenance.

Lifeguard Key Charting
Proper keying and prevention of unwanted key duplication is vital to employee safety. Master Lock can help maintain the integrity of your keing system with our free service that keeps records of all key codes assigned to your facility.

Safety Padlocks Customisation
Safety Lockout padlocks must meet local LOTO requirements. We offer padlock material and shackle options to build padlocks that will align with the specifications needed for your program and applications.

Meet The New Master Lock cloto™ Solution
We’re revolutionizing workplace safety. The Master Lock cLOTO™ (Connected Lockout Tagout) Solution enables you to digitally transform your program by bringing safety, accountability and innovation together on a desktop or mobile device. Streamline processes, assign and track procedures and make real-time decisions when they matter most. Get complete and connected control, all in one place.