locker locks

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Locker Locks

locker lock

Multi-User Lock Success at Purdue University - Short Version

In a $98-million dollar renovation to the recreational facility at Purdue University, the Multi-User Built-in Mechanical lock has found great success and enhanced student & staff day-to-day activities.

Instruction videos

3670 / 3630 / 3631

Multi-User Installation Instructions - 3670 / 3630 / 3631
Multi-User Installation Instructions - 3670 / 3630 / 3631

Learn how to install the Master Lock Multi-User Built-In LockSee More

Multi-User Operating Instructions - 3670 / 3630 / 3631
Multi-User Operating Instructions - 3670 / 3630 / 3631

Learn how to operate the Master Lock Multi-User LockSee More

Multi-User Supervisory Override Key Instructions - 3670 / 3630 / 3631
Multi-User Supervisory Override Key Instructions - 3670 / 3630 / 3631

Learn how to override the Master Lock Multi-User Built-In Lock with the supervisory...See More